Jacob Jensen Watches is a registered trademark of Weisz Group.

Weisz Group is located at Heijermanslaan 47A, 1422 GV, Uithoorn, The Netherlands.
Registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 33184494.
VAT number: NL008614775B01.
Contact by phone: +31 (0)20 679 46 33
Contact by email: info@weiszgroup.com

Contact Jacob Jensen Watches via our Customer Service.


Jacob Jensen Watches, or the relevant owner, retains all rights (including copyrights, domain names, trademarks, patents as well as any other intellectual property right) in relation to all information provided on or via this website (including all texts, pictures, graphics and logos).
You may not copy or reproduce all or parts of this website (including printing it on paper) unless it is for the purpose of placing an order with Jacob Jensen Watches or to use this website as shopping resource.
Except for the aforementioned purpose, the materials and information available on this website may not be used – in particular not reproduced, resold, changed or published – without the prior express written consent by Jacob Jensen Watches.


  1. On all offers, orders, purchases and deliveries of Jacob Jensen Watches products through the website these terms and conditions apply.
  2. These terms and conditions are accessible for anyone via JacobJensenWatches.com.
  3. In the case of any discrepancy between language versions, the Dutch version prevails.
  4. By ordering Jacob Jensen Watches products via the website, the buyer agrees to these terms and conditions.
  5. Jacob Jensen Watches has the right to amend these terms and conditions from time to time and without notice.
  1. If an offer is subject to a limited period of validity or is made subject to conditions, this will be explicitly mentioned in the offer.
  2. Our offers contain a complete and accurate description of the products being offered.
  3. Jacob Jensen Watches is not bound by obvious errors or mistakes in our offers.
  4. Every offer contains information that makes it clear to the buyer what rights and obligations are related to the acceptance of the offer.

Jacob Jensen Watches has the right to adjust prices, involve additional cost and change product information such as product pictures and offers without notice. The product images and information texts available reflect the product as much as possible. We reserve the right for any errors that may appear on the page and cannot guarantee that all pictures accurately reflect the true appearance of the watch. The pictures may differ depending on the color settings in your computer. All pictures should be seen as illustrations only, and do not guarantee correct appearance and characteristics.


  1. A contract will be concluded between the buyer and Jacob Jensen Watches, at the moment the buyer accepts an offer from Jacob Jensen Watches and all conditions to accept this offer have been fulfilled.
  2. Jacob Jensen Watches will immediately confirm receipt of acceptance of electronically accepted offers to the email address provided by the buyer once accepted. It is the responsibility of the buyer to provide the correct e-mail address during the order process. The buyer can dissolve the contract as long as the acceptance has not been confirmed by Jacob Jensen Watches to the e-mail address provided by the buyer.
  3. Jacob Jensen Watches may obtain information – within statutory frameworks – about the buyer’s ability to fulfill his/hers payment obligations, as well as about facts and factors that are important for the responsible conclusion of the contract. If that research gives Jacob Jensen Watches proper grounds for declining to conclude the contract, then he has a right, supported by reasons, to reject an order or application or to bind its implementation to special conditions.
  4. Jacob Jensen Watches will send to the buyer, at the latest when delivering a product, the following information, in writing, or in such a way that the buyer can store it on an accessible durable medium:
    1. the address of Jacob Jensen Watches where the buyer can lodge complaints;
    2. the conditions under which the buyer can make use of the right of withdrawal and the method for doing so;
    3. information on warranty and repairs;
    4. the price, including all taxes on the product
    5. the method of delivery; and
    6. the model form for right of withdrawal.

All prices shown on the Website are including VAT, in accordance with the applicable legislation. In case an order will be shipped to a delivery address outside the EU, VAT will be removed at the checkout. Please note: in case of an order that is shipped to an address outside the EU, the buyer may be subject to import duties and taxes, which are levied when the shipment reaches the specified delivery address. The buyer will be responsible for payment of such import duties and taxes. It should be noted that Jacob Jensen Watches has no control over these charges and, since these charges are different for different countries, Jacob Jensen Watches cannot predict their amount. Jacob Jensen Watches advises the buyer to contact the local customs office for further information. 

Payment and Promotion Codes

  1. Please check the webshop to see which safe payments method we offer.
  2. The buyer will be bound to the terms and conditions of the payment provider of its choice in relation to the payment. Jacob Jensen Watches has no control over these terms and conditions and cannot be held responsible for the contents thereof.
  3. Promotion Codes should be entered during the checkout process to be valid. Attempting to add a promotion code after purchase will not be honored.
  1. Jacob Jensen Watches ships to selected countries. Deliveries are made in cooperation with the postal services and their partners. For more information check our Shipping Policy.
  2. Return Policy
  3. You have the right to return any/all products you have purchased directly from JacobJensenWatches.com within 14 days of receiving the item. 

    The return address for all returns is:
    Weisz Group
    Attn: return of Jacob Jensen Watches
    Heijermanslaan 47A
    1422 GV, Uithoorn
    The Netherlands

    For more information consult our Return Policy

    Jacob Jensen Watches warranty term: two years from the date of purchase. For more information consult our Warranty page.

    Personal data and privacy
    Jacob Jensen Watches complies with the privacy regulations of the European Union EU. For more information consult our Privacy Policy.

    Applicable law
    This website shall exclusively be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of The Netherlands. In the event of a discrepancy or difference in interpretation between various language versions of this Disclaimer, the Dutch language version shall prevail.

    Jacob Jensen Watches reserves the right to change the information provided on or via this website, including the terms of this Disclaimer, at any time and without notice.